The Luhn Formula

The Luhn formula is a simple checksum formula used for validating identification numbers. It is designed to protect against accidental errors in data entry but not malicious attacks. For example, on a website a user may enter a credit card number or ISBN and sometimes these numbers may be mistyped. One can then use the Luhn formula to determine if the entered number is a valid one.

Value Rigidity

I was reading a book called The Passionate Programmer by Chad Fowler. The books talks about what it takes to create a remarkable career in software development. It is a very good read and if you haven’t read it yet I suggest you check it out. In this post I will try to one particular story that resonated with me.

The Naive Bayes Assumtion

The Naïve Bayes classifier is a popular machine learning algorithm. In this post we will discuss why it still works in practice even when the (naïve) conditional independence assumption is violated.

The Perceptron

The perceptron is a learning algorithm. A rather simple one yet surprising, it can acheive very good results as we will explore in this post.