ARIMA is a well-known model for time series forecasting. In this post we will go over the building blocks: MA(q) models, AR(p) models and ARMA(p,q) models of such a powerful model.
ARIMA(p, q, d) model is a combination of:
- I(d): integration (reverse of differencing) component
- AR(p): auto regressive component
- MA(q): moving average component
Integration: I(d)
The moving average (MA) and auto regressive (AR) models, requires the time series to be stationary. A time series is tested for stationarity using the Augmented Dickey–Fuller test(ADF) test and a non-stationary time series data is made stationary using differencing. We are interested in the order of integration $d$ which is the minimum number of times a series must be differenced to become stationary. The differenced time series $y^{(d)}$ is then used in subsequent models.
Auto Regressive: AR(p)
The auto regressive (AR) model is a regression of a variable against itself i.e, the current value is a linear combination of the past values. The current value is represented as:
$$ y_t = C + \epsilon_t + \phi_1y_{t-1} +_ … \phi_py_{t-p} $$
- $C$ is a constant term,
- $\epsilon_t$ is the current error term $i$,
- $\phi_i$ is the coefficient of the series value at time $i$
- $p$ is the order of the AR model.
Moving Average: MA(q)
The moving average (MA) model, states that the current value is a linear combination on the current and past error terms. The current value is represented as:
$$ y_t = \mu + \epsilon_t + \theta_1\epsilon_{t-1} +_ … \theta_q\epsilon_{t-q} $$
- $\mu$ is the series average,
- $\epsilon_i$ are the error terms at time $i$,
- $\theta_i$ is the coefficient of the error term at time $i$
- $q$ is the order of the MA model.
Auto Regressive Moving Average: ARMA(p, q)
The auto regressive moving average (ARMA) model is a combination of the moving average (MR) model and the auto regressive (AR).
$$ y_t = C + \phi_1y_{t-1} + … \phi_py_{t-p} + \mu + \theta_1\epsilon_{t-1} + … \theta_q\epsilon_{t-q} + \epsilon_t $$
- $C$ is a constant term,
- $\mu$ is the series average,
- $\epsilon_i$ are the error terms at time $i$,
- $q$ is the order of the MA model.
- $\theta_i$ is the coefficient of the error term at time $i$
- $p$ is the order of the AR model.
- $\phi_i$ is the coefficient of the series value at time $i$
Putting it all together
The auto regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model is the same as the ARIMA model along with the integration component i.e., it is a combination of the moving average (MR) model, the auto regressive (AR) model using the differenced series.
$$ y_{t}^{(d)} = C + \phi_1y_{t-1}^{(d)} + … \phi_py_{t-p}^{(d)} + \mu + \theta_1\epsilon_{t-1}^{(d)} + … \theta_q\epsilon_{t-q}^{(d)} + \epsilon_t $$
Fortunately, in practice we don’t have to implement these models from scratch as ARIMA implementation is available in statsmodel
. They also provide implementation for more advanced models such as SARIMA and SARIMAX that can handle seasonality and external features. I recommend Time Series Forecasting in Python book to dive deeper into the fascinating world of time series forecasting.